Step 1: Our final product file look like this.
Step 2: Open CorelDraw short cut is (coreldrw) in run dialog box. Window+r is short cut key for run dialog box. I suggest you always try to open software with short cut key.
Step 3: ctrl+n for new file creation.
Step 4: Create ellipse press F7 or click icon
from toolbox. Press ctrl key and then draw circle so shape is good.
from toolbox. Press ctrl key and then draw circle so shape is good.
Step 5: Many ways to duplicate objects in Corel. You can use ctrl + D, or press + key on Numpad and make duplicate of circle. Change color of one circle to dark blue and other circle to while.
Step 6: Draw guideline middle of the white circle. Click on the ruler and drag down to the circle.
Step 8: Press shift key and select rectangle and circle.
Step 9: When you select both circle and rectangle property bar will change. Now click the trim option the circle.
Step 10: Trim option trim delete the selected area and your file look like this. . .
Step 11: Click on blue circle and press ctrl+d to duplicate the circle. Change the color of the duplicate blue circle to white.
Step 12: Select blue circle and white new circle and press C and E. c use for horizontal center and E use for vertical center. Press shift key and change the size of white circle. It look like this...
Step 13: Now type Punjab vocational training council. Select all text and press C. Then select option spacing and center arrange->align and distribute->align and distribute->distribute->spacing click apply.
Step 14: Type text SUCCESS THROUGH SKILL size is 33, bold and select option menu text->fit text to path. …
Step 16: Create duplicate of inner small circle. Use Bezier tool and draw line on the center of the circle. Select line and circle and press C and E. ….
Step 17: Select line and circle and click trim button. When you select more than one object property bar change and display trim option.
Step 18: Trim the circle and press ctrl+k or right click on the circle after trimming and select Break Curve Apart. Image look like this…
Step 20: Make 5 duplicate of the circle. Ctrl+d or select and right click and then make group of the circle select and press ctrl+g shortcut key for group.
Step 21: Select option Effects->PowerClip-> place inside frame and place the blue group circle in the white circle. Its look like this…
It look like this…
Step 23: Select option mirror text horizontally and mirror text vertically and the image look like this… …
Step 24: Add banner
Banner look like this…
Step 25: Select banner and press shortcut key ctrl+q use convert to curves. Select banner and press shortcut key shift+f2. Press key f10 and click on the corner of the banner. …
Step 26: Type Lahore in the shape.
Step 28: Now we design inner part just like in government of the Punjab logo. First we draw rectangle using rectangle tool (f6). And press ctrl+q convert to curve. Press f10 for shape tool and select the lines of the rectangle and convert line to curves (shows in the second picture).
IV. Change the color of the leaf to green. Right click on the color palate change the color of the outline. Left click change the color of the object.
VI. Make duplicate of the leaf. Ctrl+g use for group.
VII. Draw rectangle convert to curve and design like below image. Shape tool use for designing…
Step 29: Make duplicate of image ctrl+d for duplication.
Step 30: Draw rectangle convert to curve and design like below image. Shape tool use for designing
Step 31: Shift the above image to design and logo is complete.
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